Find answers to many of your questions about LEAVEN here.

What does LEAVEN stand for?
Limited Emergency Assistance Valley Ecumenical Network

Where is LEAVEN located?
LEAVEN’s main office is located at 1475 Opportunity Way in Menasha.

What does LEAVEN do?
LEAVEN provides limited financial assistance to people who are struggling to meet their basic needs and have nowhere else to turn for help. LEAVEN helps with basic human needs, mostly helping people stay in their homes or apartments. We help with rent, mortgage, and security deposits. We help make sure gas, electric, or water services are not shut off or are reconnected. We also provide gas cards, bus passes, diapers, toiletries, and vouchers for clothing. We connect people to other resources in the community through referrals.

Who does LEAVEN help?
LEAVEN helps people who reside in Outagamie, Calumet, and northern Winnebago (Neenah and Menasha) Counties, and New London residents living in Waupaca County. Individuals must be over 18 years old to apply for help. LEAVEN helps a broad spectrum of people, without discrimination. We are proud of how inclusive our services are.

What if I do not speak English?
LEAVEN has Spanish-speaking interviewers available to meet with clients and we also provide translation services for other languages.

What other assistance is available when I come to LEAVEN?
In addition to financial assistance, we have many other services and programs in the LEAVEN Community Resource Center that connect people to educational opportunities, job resources, mental health counseling, financial counseling, public benefits, legal assistance, mentoring, and other services.

Am I guaranteed assistance?
Qualified applicants may receive help. We try to help everyone who needs it, but there is no guarantee. Typically, you will know within 2 to 3 business days after the paperwork is returned to our office. Applicants requesting gas vouchers, bus passes, diapers, and referrals to other agencies may receive immediate assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I receive help?
If you need transportation, clothing vouchers, diapers, or toiletries, you can come to the Menasha office during business hours. All requests for financial assistance require an appointment.

How soon will I be seen?
We can see you between one and two days after you contact us for an appointment.

What do I need to bring to my appointment?
You will need proof of identification, such as a driver’s license. You should also bring any papers that support your request, such as utility bills, mortgage coupons or statements, or eviction notices.

What happens at the appointment?
You will meet with an interviewer who will ask you questions about you and other family members living in your household. They will ask about your job, income, benefits, and expenses. You will be asked to explain why you need our help. You may be given a form to fill out that will be reviewed by a LEAVEN caseworker.